رویدای شگرف در "دنیای کامیوتر": کامپیوتری که میتواند "افکار را بخواند"، توسط فکر شما " نامه دیکته کند و تایپ نماید"، توسط کمپانی کامپیوتر """اینتل"" به بازار آمده است. قابل توجه کسانیکه دست ندارند که تایپ نمایند، "کامپیوتر با خواندن افکار شما برایتان تایپ مینماید". از روزنامۀ "تلگراف انگلستان".
Computers that read minds are being developed by Intel
New technology could allow people to dictate letters and search the internet simply by thinking, according to researchers at Intel who are behind the project.
Unlike current brain-controlled computers, which require users to imagine making physical movements to control a cursor on a screen, the new technology will be capable of directly interpreting words as they are thought.
Intel's scientists are creating detailed maps of the activity in the brain for individual words which can then be matched against the brain activity of someone using the computer, allowing the machine to determine the word they are thinking.